‘Mulan’ Trailer: Live-Action 2020 Version Is Kick Ass & Resembles the Animated Film
I have to admit that i have watched Mulan 1998, the animated film at least a hundred times, so I am truly looking forward to to this live action version dropping March 27, 2020.
in.Askmen, “The similarities between the animated movie and the live-action version severe most ties (mid way through the trailer). From training to become one of the men in the Emperor’s army to fighting Xian Lang in hand to hand combat, Mulan changes the definition of bringing honour to a family and the empire. The action pieces look epic, to say the least. From the surface, Bori Khan looks like the main antagonist of the movie, but there is a dramatic and far more meaningful interaction between Mulan and Xiang Lang that underlines the idea that no matter to what extents a woman will go to do the right thing, she will always run the risk of sexist patriarchy flipping against her. There is one woman who is fighting for honour and one that is fighting for power in the world dominated by men. If I don’t get think pieces on this interaction, I might riot!
“When they find out who you are, they will show you no mercy,” warns Xiang Lang.
This is when Mulan embraces her true identity, risking everything.
“I am Hua Mulan, I will bring honour to us all.” “
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