Black Kid Depicted As A Lap Dog In New “Feed A Child” TV AD (VIDEO) SMH!!!
My stomach is turning as I watch this video. The Feed A Child organization put out a wack statement (below) defending its actions. But surely they could have came up with a better way of getting their message heard with more dignity and respect to these children. Some say it’s provocative and gets the point across. Would they say that if the shoe was on the other foot? If the kid was white and the woman was black? I don’t think so. This is a South African production and they have a history of apartheid. That’s what makes this ad insensitive and disturbing. It lacks foresight in all directions. Feed A Child removed the ad.
Feed a Child came to its own defense, releasing its own statement, according to iAfrica:
The commercial is intentionally emotive to trigger the necessary awareness on this issue to generate engagement and contributions. There was no intention to cause offense. Feed a Child aims to provide support for the devastating impacts caused by poverty and malnutrition in South Africa. Our main mission is to make people aware of the fact that there are thousands of children out there that they work with on a daily basis that don’t even have access to one meal per day.
Source: theroot