LISA FORD – “Time Lapsed” – A Video & Pics of My Neighborhood. (SOUTH BEACH)
(‘welcome to miami’ artwork above by osiruscirce.deviantart.com)
Check out the time lapse video of my neighborhood below.
Now I’ve heard some people say that when they read the blog, they don’t see a lot of personal things about me. This was done purposely. I created this site to keep everyone entertained, and to give you a place to go for dope music and raw unadulterated entertainment. But today I’m trying something new. Below are pics of my Miami Beach neighborhood so you can see where I gain most of my inspiration from. Here’s a great balcony view on a sunny South Florida.
Don’t label me corny lol, but home is where the heart is…and I’m a ‘home-body’.
Being at home is like living in paradise. It has always been a dream of mine to live on the beach.
C’mon…take a walk with me…let me show you what I’m talking about….
Not that I smoke weed or anything, but can you imagine walking through here a little high or tipsy off a Ciroc cocktail? Yep, it’s like that. lol
This is how is looks when I wake up in the morning. I try to catch the sunrise. But waking up that early, lately has been a challenge for me.
I look out into the ocean everyday and realize how my life, my dreams, and my aspirations are boundless and limitless.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you…the tip of South Beach (South of Fifth).
I’m walking up the hill now, so I can take some shots of the front yard.
I’m at the top of the hill. That building you see in front of you in a condo on the bordering, Fisher Island.
Here’s a closer look of Fisher Island.
Sometimes I sit on this hill and write in my personal journal. This is my view, aka the front yard.
There are hidden pathways in the front yard. At night it’s a little spooky…or romantic…depending on what you’re doing there 😉
I should take vacations more often. If you work hard, you should relax hard.
Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the life I lead and it is exciting interviewing famous musicians and traveling across the word covering music festivals (I’ll be covering San Francisco’s Outside Lands Music Festival in August). But I’m a plain home body. I like to be at home, simple.
So… “Excuse me while I kiss the sky.” 😉
My Twitter @lisafordblog