Meet Marijuana’s First National Brand (High Times)
High Times Magazine Report:
Jamen Shively, founder of Diego Pellicer, the first retail brand in the US to market legal, premium marijuana, says the plant is an boost to creativity. In fact, the company itself bloomed from a “brainstorm session with cannabis,” he told ABC News.
Diego Pellicer will be using a retail store strategy within the untapped recreational cannabis industry. They plan to open a pot retail store within the next year in the Washington state, which, along with Colorado, recently legalized pot for recreational use.
Shively’s vision is to capitalize on the current national market for marijuana, estimated to be valued at $100 billion, which includes the black illegal market and the medical pot market. There is no national marijuana brand, which leaves the field wide open for creativity in selling marijuana to consumers. While places like a michigan dispensary are currently the easiest places in many states for people to obtain marijuana legally, there seems to be more states looking to implement recreational marijuana laws sooner rather than later. You can even purchase marijuana in an online headshop rather than just your local dispensary, which can be more convenient for some. Most online headshops offer discounts too! Online you can also find guides and helpful tips on the different types of marijuana strains, their effects, and learn all you need to know about smoking a joint.
The shops will work to match consumers with specific varieties of cannabis based on characteristics of both the plant and the person. “Think of this as an E-Harmony.com of cannabis,” says Shively.
Currently, Diego Pellicer has two operating retail centers, both of which go under the moniker Northwest Patient Resource Center (NWPRC) for Medical Marijuana. Diego Pellicer is working with them to develop designs and logistics for the Diego stores, and incorporating the best companies from within NWPRC’s network into the Diego Network, says Shively.
We know that Colorado took its first legal recreational marijuana store applications. Was Diego Pellicer one of them? Most likely. Either way state regulations will have to be complied with: something Green Bits can help with. They can provide assistance with compliance across a multitude of states including arizona marijuana laws.