Michelle Obama’s FULL Speech at the 2012 Democratic National Convention (VIDEO)
(Michelle Obama Portrait above by Kelsey Montague)
“Being President doesn’t change who you are, it REVEALS who you are.” – Michelle Obama
(photo above from The New York Times)
My favorite comments from Twitter:
“I think we need to stop comparing Michelle Obama’s speech to First Lady speeches and start comparing it to Presidential ones. That strong. ” @moorehn
“I wish everybody would stop saying this is the best First Lady speech ever. It’s one of the best speeches of decade, easy.” @sullydish.
“At #RNC, line that got biggest applause was joke about climate change, at #DNC2012, biggest cheer was defense of women’s rights as values.” @Ziggy_Daddy
“Outstandingly profound was First Lady Michelle Obama’s speech. Uplifting and empowering. America the Beautiful. Xox ” @PamGrier
“If u ever questioned @BarackObama‘s brilliance just look at who he chose to be his wife. LOVE a man that is strong enough 2 marry a beast!” @AubreyODay
“I’ve never heard such a well delivered speech by a first lady ever.” @andersoncooper
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