TRAYVON MARTIN’S PARENTS Open Letter To The Public!!
(trayvon martin artwork by barbara broido)
Yesterday, Special Prosecutor, Angela Corey held a press conference in Jacksonville, FL at 6pm to announce the charges of 2nd Degree Murder against George Zimmerman for the slaying of unarmed teen, Trayvon Martin. Trayvon’s parents, Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fulton sent a letter to all of Trayvon Martin’s supporters and to those who signed the petition calling for Zimmerman’s arrest. (press conference highlights after the letter)
We are still devastated by the loss of our son Trayvon Martin, and nothing can bring him back. But today, we are heartened to tell you that justice may finally be served for Trayvon.
This evening, Florida State Attorney Angela Corey announced that she will charge George Zimmerman with 2nd degree murder, weeks after he confessed to killing Trayvon — and now he’s in custody.
For weeks after Trayvon was killed, authorities refused to arrest Zimmerman. We couldn’t believe that in 2012, public officials would turn a blind eye to our son’s killing. We couldn’t let that happen.
More than 2 million people joined our call for Zimmerman’s arrest. We are so much closer to justice with the decision to bring charges against our son’s killer. We feel less alone knowing that so many people stood with our family during this impossible time.
When Trayvon was just nine, he ran into a burning house to save his father’s life. He may be gone, but he is still our hero. We are so thankful to all of you who fought to honor his memory.
Thank you for standing with us, and with Trayvon.
– Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fulton
– Special Prosecutor, Angela Corey, began the press conference in Jacksonville, FL, on April 11, 2012 at 6pm. She announced that George Zimmerman was in police custody on charges of 2nd Degree Murder. Corey stated, “We’re charging Zimmerman with murder of the 2nd degree , Zimmerman has 24 hrs to appear at magistrate in Seminole County Florida.”
– Corey stated, “We did not come to this decision lightly. We do not prosecute by public pressure or petition…only by facts of the case.”
– “I will not tell you where Zimmerman is for his safety.” Angela Corey
– “Zimmerman turned himself in and then was arrested.” Angela Corey
– “No bond for Zimmerman at this time.” Angela Corey (but there will be a bond hearing)
– “Zimmerman retained new council in the last couple of hours.” – Angela Corey
– Angela Corey kept refusing to give Zimmerman’s whereabouts.. only reconfirming that he is in custody.
– Angela Corey didn’t confirm if she was seeking a life sentence for Zimmerman..she stated she wanted the trial to play out first.
– “Some information on this case got released that should have never been released. We have rules and regulations.” Angela Corey
– “The Department of Justice conduct their own investigation…but they are not working on OUR part of the investigation.” Angela Corey
– “If ‘Stand Your Ground’ law becomes an issue, we will FIGHT that determinative defense” !! Angela Corey
-“Seminole County is the court of jurisdiction. Will it be tried there? we’ll decide when we pick a jury.” Angela Corey
– Any misdoings within Sanford Police Dept. will be handled by people outside of Angela Corey’s prosecution team.
– After Angela Corey was finished, Al Sharpton, Trayvon’s parents (Tracy Martin& Sybrina Fulton), and their lawyers spoke.
– “There are no victories here. There are no winners here…They have lost their son.” Al Sharpton
– SybrinaFulton … “first of all I want to thank God. We simply wanted an arrest. nothing more, nothing less, and we got it.”
– “Thank you for being compassionate about this. This is just the beginning, and we have a long way to go.” – Tracy Martin
– The Martin’s lawyers praised our Miami high school students for marching and taking a stand.
– The city of Sanford are working to change their negative image, but there is no economic boycott at this time.
– Will Zimmerman be brought back to Sanford? Mayor… “I don’t know the answer to that.”
– City officials are avoided questions as to why Sanford Police refused to arrest Zimmerman when he should have been charged with 2nd degree murder.
– Sanford city officials say they believe police dept is doing a good job protecting citizens but needed independent investigation in Martin’s case.
– Zimmerman’s lawyer Mark O’Mara: “Zimmerman is concerned about getting a fair trial and a fair presentation.”
– Zimmerman’s lawyer Mark O’Mara: “Mr. Zimmerman is troubled by the charges.”
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