ALFRED HITCHCOCK on #Music in His Films #Flashback Interview (Audio) + #Eminem’s (Video) for “Darkness”
Portrait of Alfred Hitchcock by Antonio Mossucca
This is just a quick blog post to pay homage to the great American horror filmmaker, Alfred Hitchcock, Eminem’s muse for his latest album, Music To Be Murdered By. I wonder if Hitchcock knew that one day his style and his 1958 album, the original Music To Be Murdered by would inspire the biggest name in Hip Hop.
In this 1972 interview with BBC, Hitchcock reiterates on his 1932 statement that the music in his films and the editing of the films have a great deal in common as both are seamless and establishes the tempo and mood of the scene. In this interview, Hitchcock states, “The music should effect the ‘viewer’ emotionally, and the music should be scored in such a way that it contributes to the overall emotions that you are hoping to provide the audience with through the use of cutting the film…”
While listening to this iconic interview, it was fascinating to hear Hitchcock using the word ‘sample’ back then in relation to sound (considering the meaning it has now). I’m sure ‘samples’ of orchestration prior to commitment to a composition are the norm these days. Take a listen to the full interview below.
So I’ve included a music video below for Enimen’s, Darkness, off of his album, Music To Be Murdered By, which if you searched in YouTube, you probably won’t find because it seems as if they are trying to hide this song. There is a level of genius from Enimen in this song that we may never come across again in our lifetime! To me the WHOLE SONG could be seen as a triple entendre! The Vegas shooting, his drug and alcohol addiction and Emenm’s thoughts about himself as an artist! His brain just works differently and you can’t deny his pen game. Darkness POWERFUL song! There is a reason he is the 🐐!!!!!!!!
Lisa Ford’s crime novella, South Beach Suicide, on sale now at Amazon.