ANGELINA JOLIE’S New Film Could Be Banned [Trailer]
According to the Huffington Post, Angelina Jolie’s film ‘In The Land Of Blood And Honey’ (in her first directorial debut) Ban is being sought by a Bosnian Serb War victim. Jolie’s movie is about a Serb soldier who finds his ex-lover, a Muslim Bosnian woman, among sex slaves in a camp. Branislav Djukic of the Bosnian Serb Association of Camp Prisoners told the Associated Press on Tuesday that although he has seen only the trailer, he can already say the movie “is showing lies” and portraying Serbs as the only ones who raped women during the war.
Another anti-Angelina activist concur, stating via youtube, “This movie is propaganda and serbophobic targeting dump US population. I would recommend her (Jolie) to explore US concentration camps for entire Japanese population during WWII, to investigate faith of people of Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Baghdad, Vietnam…To investigate human rights in US allies like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, etc..I don’t give a shit what Americans think about Serbia and Serbs.” (vitezbg)
In defense of Angelina’s film, a fan stated, “I don’t see how the Serb commenters here (on youtube) can argue that this is a serbophobic movie only based on this short trailer. The movie is oriented more specifically on the relationship of two individuals of different ethnic backgrounds that represent how the war affected the relations between different ethnic groups during the war. If you’re angry at scenes showing Serbs sniping innocent Bosniaks in the streets, then be angry at history, because Bosnia was ruthlessly attacked and +60,000 people died.”
In The Land Of Blood And Honey will be released December 23rd, 2011. And no matter what the outcome is, at least Angelina has Brad (Pitt). While promoting the film, Angelina recently stated in a Marie-Claire interview, ” (Brad) has expanded my life in ways I never imagined. We built a family. He is not just the love of my life, he is my family. I hold that very dear. I suppose what I’ve learned from Brad is to be able to have the kind of family whose happiness and well-being comes before your own. I’m very very grateful to have such a loving family, and I wouldn’t have that without him.”
Source: @dwbjr69