Bill O’Reily slams LUPE FIASCO
Earlier I posted on Twitter that I was a strong fan of Lupe Fiasco’s because the content in his music didn’t include rapping about ‘bitches’, ‘cars’, ‘money’, etc. Lupe’s music is as close to the original prinicples of rap as it comes…spreading messages of survival to the ghetto youth and telling stories of overcoming hardships using creativity, poeticism, and dope tracks.
But when he made the statement that ‘Obama and all of the other American Presidents were terrorists’, I was baffled. I didn’t understand the argument the way he presented on this Bill O’Reilly segment…and as much as I can’t stand o’Reilly, I actually agree with him when he says Lupe is influencing his constituents in a negative way by demonizing Obama.
So many people are Anti-American government, but yet for some reason, they choose to continue to live in this country. What statement does that make? Lupe, is capitalizing off of an American market and in my opinion, is generating publicity by making outrageous statements.