Music Review

New Blog Design – Get Featured on the Site covers interviews on musicians of great influence, celebrities, and people of important standing in society. The blog also reviews music and film, covers the art and grafitti art scene, and life in Miami, Florida. The blog’s online magazine component, Hip Hop Orgy Magazine, provides a digital magazine subscription version of the blog to its readers.

To be featured on the site and the magazine, email LISA FORD at [email protected] with your EPK or details of your project or business.

Stay tuned on how to subscribe to The Hip Hop Orgy Magazine which will be available via subscription on Itunes, Kindle, Issuu, additional major digital formats, the Hip Hop Orgy app, and on the publication’s website. Those on the blog’s email list and subscribers to The Hip Hop Orgy Magazine  will receive exclusive digital content, invitations to special events, and a limited edition subscriber gift. Join our email list for more information on how be a part of this intoxicating experience. Tag @lisafordblog, @hiphoporgy with your email address or email [email protected]

