PRESIDENT OBAMA’S Speech At The White House Correspondents Dinner {VIDEO}
(president obama artwork by joshcorris)
White House Correspondents Dinner: ABC News Top 10 Best Jokes from President Obama and Jimmy Kimmel:
Who was funnier at the White House Correspondents Dinner, comedian Jimmy Kimmel or President Barack Obama?
The general consensus in the ballroom full of journalists, media executives, Washington big wigs and Hollywood stars was that they both delivered some pretty great zingers. Here are some of the best one-liners of the night:
– Kimmel: “If you told me when I was a kid I would be standing on a dais with President Barack Obama, I would have said, ‘The president’s name is Barack Obama?’
– Obama: “Four years ago, I was locked in a brutal primary battle with Hillary Clinton. Four years later she won’t stop drunk-texting me from Cartegana.”
– Kimmel to Obama: “Remember when the country rallied around you in hope for a better tomorrow? That was a good one.”
– Obama on Romney: “We both have degrees from Harvard. I have one, he has two. What a snob.”
– Kimmel on Obama’s thinness: “This is how you know the country’s in bad shape. The president is starving. North Korea is sending him food aid.”
– Obama: “Last year at this time, this very weekend, we finally delivered justice to one of the world’s most notorious individuals, (Photo of Donald Trump)”
– Kimmel: “There’s a term for guys like President. Probably not two terms.”
– Obama: “What is the difference between a hockey mom and a pitbull? A pitbull is delicious.”
– Kimmel: “”The president wanted to move it to the Kennedy Center, and the Republicans wanted to keep it at the Hilton. So, they compromised and here we are at the Hilton.”
– Obama: “Here we are in this vast magnificent Hilton ballroom, what Mitt Romney would call a fixer upper.”
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Jimmy Kimmel @ White House (full video)